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Become a member

To become a member, you have to be a student at Cranfield University. It is not required to be a student of one of the Finance courses as CFS is open to all students from each programme and faculty, not only to students from the School of Management.


If you would like to become a member, please do as described:


1. Join our mailing list to stay informed. 

2. Send us your CV and photo via E-Mail.

3. Pay the membership fee of 8 GBP (single payment) to this bank account:


Recipient: Nils Pollmann

Account number: 02948702

Sort code: 04-00-75

Reference: Membership Fee CFS*


Once you did this, we will upload your photo and CV to the website, and you can participate actively (joining interesting speaker events, social events, trips, and more).


*in case you transfer for somebody else, please add the name of the person you are paying for



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